Working in Partnership

The whole is greater than the sum of parts
As a small charity based in the Scottish Borders we are thrilled to make a contribution to improve the life and health of patients and staff at St Francis Hospital, Zambia. We appreciate that it is just a drop in the ocean of the vast need that exists. However when we work in close cooperation with others we can significantly multiply the impact. Sharing ideas, learning lessons and combining resources takes effort but the outcomes are exciting. There is a much bigger picture to step back, view and gain insights from others seeking to make their own unique contribution to global health.
We firmly believe that by working in genuine partnership with colleagues in Zambia our volunteering provides major benefits to patient care in both countries. Not all our volunteers need to actually travel abroad to make an impact. Many make a significant contribution without leaving the UK and in doing so find that their own work back in Scotland is enriched.
Important national connections have been:
- contributing to the work of the Scottish Global Health Coordination Unit - leadership from the Chief Medical Officer for Scotland helps to shape the Scottish Government’s international vision and benefits of global citizenship in the NHS
- being members of the Scottish International Development Alliance - all are committed to creating a fairer world, free from poverty, injustice and environmental threats
- joining forces with the Zambia UK Health Workforce Alliance (ZUKHWA) - a network facilitated by the excellent work of the Global Health Academy at the University of Edinburgh
Other groups and organisations are supporting St Francis Hospital and it has been our privilege to work closely with a number. In particular we have valued the partnership with:
- Medical Support Group (Netherlands)
- Friends of St Francis' Hospital
- Christians Aware