In 2010, with the help of Scottish Borders Africa AIDS Group, the NHS Borders twinning group sent a full-sized ultrasound machine to St Francis Hospital (SFH) in Zambia. The machine was redundant to NHS needs but the radiology department, and others, still had to find a “write-off price” and fundraise for expensive air transport.
After clearing the Zambian customs, the machine safely arrived at SFH and went into immediate use. This was further helped when Ros Thomson from the radiology department in the BGH visited St Francis’s to assist in ultrasound teaching.
Dr Oliver Todd ('Oly') is a junior doctor from Cardiff who did his core medical training at the Borders General in 2013. Chris Faldon met him on one of his visits to St Francis and he mentioned how valuable it would be to get access to Consultant Radiology advice on radiographs he has struggled to analyse such as:
- Contrast studies - confirming presence or absence of possible applecore lesions or ulcers, or less commonly IBD, Barrett’s or oesophogeal strictures
- Skull Xrays - shift of pineal calcification suggestive of midline shift
- Spine Xrays looking for signs of spinal TB
- Chest Xrays - for help elucidating pleural disease from pulmonary, features more in keeping with fibrosis versus military TB versus fungal eg aspergillosis type infections.
Dr John Reid, Consultant Radiologist at BGH, was very helpful in assisting Oly - even if he is several thousand miles away and looking at pictures Oly has taken with his smart phone!